How to Train with a T. Rex and Win 8 Gold Medals (link roundup)

Written by Michael Phelps, illustrated by Ward Jenkins, How to Train with a T. Rex and Win 8 Gold Medals on sale for 32% off at Amazon.

And a few more links:

1. Stewart Butterfield offers constructive advice to a griefer.

2. Taco Bell is making the awesome volcano taco a regular part of its menu.

3. Continuing the race to the bottom, LA Times features huge ad for the HBO vampire show that keeps finding new, sleazy, obnoxious ways to advertise. Via.

4. Skeletor takes a job as a lumberjack (or gets dressed for a Pearl Jam concert)

*Previously: Gawker editorial apologizes for the HBO vampire ads.

*Buy Masters of the Universe Toys at eBay.