A Trip to the Moon in Lego

Lego version of Melies' A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage dans la Lune) by Guy Himber. Here's the movie:

But I couldn't find an embeddable version of the tremendous homage - - Smashing Pumkins' Tonight, Tonight. The Wikipedia entry for the video is interesting:
The original idea for the music video was for a Busby Berkeley-style video, complete with "people diving into champagne glasses."[15] The band was set to begin production on the video, when they discovered that the Red Hot Chili Peppers had done a similarly styled video for their song "Aeroplane," which was almost identical to what they had wanted to do.[15] The second idea for the video was that as the band played on a surreal stage, the camera would go into audience members' eyes and the viewer would see that person's vision of the song.[16] The third and final concept, inspired by Georges Méliès's silent film A Trip to the Moon, came from directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, who got the idea for the video because the album cover for Mellon Collie reminded them of early silent films.[17] Hence, the video was filmed in the style of a turn-of-the-century silent film using theater-style backdrops and primitive special effects.[17]

Dayton and the production crew initially had problems locating costumes for the video because the movie Titanic was being shot at the same time in Los Angeles.[18] Titanic director James Cameron rented nearly every turn-of-the-century prop and costume in the city, leaving the "Tonight, Tonight" production crew little to work with.[18] Directors Dayton and Faris compromised by renting the leftover costumes and hiring designers to remake them into the elaborate period clothing seen in the video.[18] The video took three days to shoot.
*Previously: Plush moon.

*Buy Melies posters at eBay.