Want to work as a submissions editor for Well Told Tales Pulp Fiction Podcast?

"Well Told Tales seeks one or two volunteer Submissions Editor(s) to help us read short story submissions and select the cream of the crop for our twice-a-month podcast.

We're looking for someone who loves pulp-fiction -- ie: horror, sci-fi and hardboiled tales -- with discerning taste and the ability to quickly spot intriguing, high-concept material.

This is an unpaid, volunteer position. In fact, everyone working on the site with the exception of our writers -- who are paid $20 per story (we hope to bump that up soon) -- are volunteers. So if you don't love short stories, this gig probably isn't for you.

As a Submissions Editor, you would be the first line of defense for Well Told Tales, screening short story submissions and grading them as PASS, CONSIDER or RECOMMEND."
