More Disney/Marvel mashups

You can see previously posted Disney/Pixar/Marvel mashups here. And check back, because I'm updating this post with more images as I find them.

Steamboat Willie/Spider-Man mashup by Andry Rajoelina Andry Rajoelina.

Mickey and Wolvie by Erin Hunting.

X-Men meets High School Musical. Via.

Mickey tortures Spidey by Jason Quinones.

The Fantastic Four meets Michael "Mike" Wazowski by Michael Pumo. See also: Wolverine meets Mickey.

Donald Duck as the Hulk by Lou Womble.

Super Skrull Mickey by Christian.

Little Mermaid and Spidey by Niels Jorgensen.

Huey, Duey, and Luey by Desty.

The Ultimate Alliance by Carlos Lerma.

Spider-Girl/Little Mermaid by Jeremy Bernstein.

The Invincible Iron Mouse by Tim Wollweber.

Buzz/Iron Man by Dave Mott.

Jack Skellington as the Ghost Rider, one of several crossovers including 101 Abominations posted here.

Iron Mouse by Rob Kramer.

Donald as Cyclops and see also Goofy as Spidey.

Wolverine as Mouseketeer by Charles Allen Harris.

Goofy as Thor by Mark Brooks.

Captain Hook as Dr. Doom by Jason Chalker.

Nemo as the Sub-Mariner and Donald as Captain America by Alberto Silva.

Spider-Mouse from Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5. Via.

Mickey as Deadpool by Samir Barrett.

Eeyore as Mary Jane Watson via these sites.

MODUCK by Ryan Dunlavey, who also draws a cute Hulk.

Mickey vs. the Punisher by alexfugazi.

Professor Xketeer by Ralph White.

Punisher/Mickey by Aracnos.

Disney Avengers by Daniel HDR.

Spider-Mickey by Robert Cook.

Mickey as Captain America by Jason Ho.

Spider-Goofy by Pasquale D'Silva.

Spider-Mickey by Stewart Kenneth Moore. See also: Donald as 70's Hulk.

Mickey vs. the Marvel Universe.

Goofy as Galactus by Adam Koford.

Venom/Mickey by Serge Kliavaing, who has posted several more Disney/Marvel mashups.

Jack Kirby-Mickey by Craig Yoe.

Beauty and the Thing - - one of several mashups A. David Lewis posted here.

Donald/Wolverine by SaiyaGina.

Donald/Wolverine #2 by Themrock.

Beast joins the cast of Monsters Inc.

Goofy/Thor by Joel Ojeda Lopez.

MODUCK by Chris Samnee.

Spider-Mouse by Mike Mayhew.

Donald Duck as Daredevil - - one of many mashups posted in this forum.

Disney Avengers - - one of several mashups by Matt Occhuizzo posted here. Via these sites.

And finally, sore loser Darkseid. Via.

*Previously: Disney/Star Wars mashups.

*Buy toys from Disneyland at eBay.

Fallout Cooking Guide (link roundup)

Fallout 3 fans, you can download the Vault Dweller's Survival Cooking Guide here. Via.

And a few more links:

1. This does sound obvious - - Sprint and Palm should have saved the money spent on that historically atrocious ad campaign, given away the Pre (and enjoyed the free viral press), and made the money up on data plans.

2. Megan McArdle offers some theories for why storefronts stay vacant for so long.

3. A species of marine worms (annelids) can detach bioluminescent flash bombs from their heads to stun other animals. Photo link. Via.

*Previously: "Breakfast on a Stick" cooking contest.

*Buy Fallout bobbleheads at eBay.

More Disney/Marvel mashups

Mickey Mouse as Wolverine by Khary Randolph.

Spider-Man as a Mouseketeer by Emilio J.Lopez. Via.

*Previously: Another Wolverine/Mickey mashup.

*Buy X-Men toys at eBay.

Video shows how to open a clamshell package (link roundup)

Video makes it look pretty easy to open a clamshell package without slicing your hands open. Via these sites.

And a few more links:

1. threeA toys has an updated website with desktop wallpapers and other goodies (and a slowly loading flash interface).

2. I don't know why anyone would want to ruin the pleasure of reading it one page at a time, but you can see quite a bit of art from Planetary #27 here.

3. Grandma goes for a ride on a jetbike.

*Previously: The source of The Four's power discovered by the Chandra Observatory.

*Buy Ashley Wood toys at eBay.

Plaid dragon, breathing plaid fire (link roundup)

Plaid dragon, breathing plaid fire by Ben Butcher. There's more plaid, as well as a cute explanation at the link.

And a few more links:

1. Japanese style parfait.

2. The Flash as a Jim Henson-esque monster.

3. Packaging for "Gurl Scout Mafia" cookies.

*Previously: The Flash t-shirt you can't unsee.

*Buy Muppets toys at eBay.