I'd forgotten how disturbing Chris Claremont's X-Men comics were

Brian Cronin posted some pages from a Phoenix series by Chris Claremont and Rick Leonardi that was begun but never completed. This splash page seems harmless, but I've read enough of Claremont's work to know something terrible's going to happen next.

And sure enough, you can click through to see gruesome death.

I assume it's because I read too many comics that were too mature for me at the time, including Rachel Summers as a Hound (I never did find out what the backstory was for that). I wonder if somewhere there's a bunch of kids that read Joss Whedon's run on X-Men and will always be creeped out by Emma Frost and the bug room.

Here's the first couple covers of the Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men mini-series that I absolutely should not have been permitted to buy.

*Previously: Sculpture of Wolverine stabbing Deadpool in the mouth.

*Buy X-Men action figures at eBay.