Alice in Wonderland art by Fernando Falcone (link roundup)

Creepy Alice in Wonderland art by Fernando Falcon. More in his gallery.

And a few more links:

1. Seth Godin artfully explains that you should cultivate relationships with lower level people that might be able to help you, and not dream about having a meeting with a star or ceo.

2. "[T]he worst of the crisis is hitting states that largely didn’t experience a housing bubble." Via.

3. Forget what you've seen on tv, "There is no such thing as a voice print" . . . There is no single feature of a voice that is indelible that works like a fingerprint does." Via.

4. In columnist's final story, he reveals that the people and coffee shop he frequently wrote about were imaginary. Via.

*Previously: Stylish Alice in Wonderland.

*Buy Alice in Wonderland toys at eBay.