Snowman paper toy (link roundup)

A little more complicated than the papercraft projects I typically post, but it still looks doable. Papercraft snowman by Matt Hawkins.

And a few more links:

1. Forget the hype about Twilight (the movie). It'll sell about as many tickets as . . . "Patch Adams, the No. 10 movie of 1998. Or roughly the size of George of the Jungle, which placed No. 13 the year before." Via.

2. Owner of cadaver transportation company who mishandled corpses sentenced to pay for billboard apologizing for misdeeds (photo link). Via.

3. William Gibson posted . . . an excerpt from his new book? Featuring characters from Spook Country?

4. Some notable media moments from 2008. I'd completely forgotten Jesse Jackson saying Obama was "talking down to black people . . . telling n—--rs how to behave." Yet that story was basically the only thing on every news channel for a day or two.

*Previously: Barack Obama paper toy by Hawkins.

*Buy Barack Obama toys at Amazon.