Classic Scooby Doo villains toys and a contest announcement

The original Scooby Doo series featured terrific villains. So, I'm announcing a contest in their honor. Details below, but first a few toys I spotted for sale:

Ultimate Baddies Set, including The Creeper on sale at eBay.

Phantom Racer, Zombie, and a few others on sale alone at eBay.

Scooby-Doo & Witch Doctor PVC Set on sale at Amazon.

And the 10,000 Volt Ghost on sale at Amazon.

Alas, I couldn't find toy versions of any of my favorites

The Ghost of King Katazuma, Disc Demon, Demon Shark, and Space Kook.

So, let's have an art contest. Create a work of art featuring a Scooby Doo villain. Drawing, painting, sculpture, custom toy, whatever you want. Email me a single image of your creation by Friday July 31, 8:00 p.m. Best work of art will earn a $100 Threadless store credit. Runner up will receive a $25 Threadless credit. One entry per person. You can see a list of all of the Scooby Doo villains here.

Finally, thanks to Geek Orthodox for bringing the toys to my attention.