Narwhal/paddle boat and castle by Fred Gambino for what is apparently a steampunk-themed Disney game in the works. At his site, you can see more images from the project, including disturbing zombie Goofy and clockwork Dumbo. Other gems at his site include book and magazine covers. Here are a few samples:

Armored space suit for Bio of a Space Tyrant. You can find books in this series at Amazon.

Bioshock for a magazine cover.
Broken doll for Shut Your Mouth, of the Midnight Library series. You can see more covers from that series at Amazon.
But wait, there's more. These images by Gary Glover also seem to be from the same steampunk Disney game:

At his site, you can find a robot-crab with Mickey's head, a super-deformed tank, and some darker images. Via these sites.
*Previously: Wild collection of steampunk miniatures.
*Buy steampunk creations at eBay.