The Art Theme for August is Scribblenauts, which comes out next month. Here's the official description of the game:
Using the Nintendo DS™ touch-screen, help Maxwell reach the starite by solving a series of puzzles. Catch the starite by writing down any object you can think of and watch it come to life. Try another word and see a completely different scenario unfold. With your stylus and imagination, the possibilities are endless!As you can see in this trailer, you're really only limited by your imagination (and licensing restrictions):
So, if you'd like to participate, submit a work of art (illustration, custom toy, etc) featuring Maxwell.

This time, instead of choosing a "winner," I'll instead send a randomly chosen participant a $25 Threadless store credit. I must receive your entry by 8:00 pm Pacific Standard Time on September 15, 2009.
P.S. The red thing is a rooster hat.
*Previously: The Villains of Scooby-Doo art contest.
*Save a few $ by buying Scribblenauts at Amazon.