Last Exit (link roundup)

Every order from Last Exit to Nowhere comes with a swell sticker. Take a photo of the sticker someplace clever, and you can win three t-shirts. The most recent winner, Michael Robinson, photographed the sticker at the M Street steps in Washington, DC, where Father Karras plummets to his death in The Exorcist.

And a few more links:

1. Family says their gefilte fish was glowing. Via.

2. You can now play Popcap's Plants vs. Zombies for free online. It's insidious. At the exact moment I was starting to lose interest, the gameplay completely changed and kept me sucked in.

3. Batman strikes fear into criminals with a loogie.

*Previously: Watch a video playthrough of Arkham Asylum.

*Buy glow in the dark items at eBay.