I've previously mentioned the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea-themed office Because We Can created for Three Rings. But heck, the giant squid couch is worth another mention.
And a few more links:
1. Dresses with a mind of their own by Viktor and Rolf. Via.
2. Talk about the NY Times charging readers was much ado about nothing:
If you are coming to NYTimes.com from another Web site and it brings you to our site to view an article, you will have access to that article and it will not count toward your allotment of free ones.Their plan could best be summarized as "we want Gawker to have to buy a subscription."
3. Trap-Jaw as a cubicle worker.
*Previously: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea books covers.
*Buy Masters of the Universe toys at eBay.