Meet René Walter (I provided the links below):

1. What is your idea of the perfect day?
Waking up to Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" with Heather Locklear, traveling to a sea somewhere, reading a complete book in that one day, having a very nice diner in a restaurant with a view to the sea, finishing that day with winona ryder in a room with a fireplace.
2. Describe one of the best moments in your life:
One of the best moments of my life was just walking with my Girlfriend (at that time) across the completely deranged field of a music-festival. To have that feeling of a very close relationship with the impression of that completely lost playground of pop-culture was such a contrast, that teaches you about what is important in life itself.
3. What is your most common nightmare?
Flying without control. I know that such dreams come from a feeling, that you need to do something else.
4. What are your three favorite possessions?
I own some very limited Jeff Mills-12"es noone cares about and I have about 600 Techno-Mixtapes, I guess there are some favorite possessions. And I also have this rare copy of Ed Woods "Plan 9 from outer space," but all of this is worth nothing. My most worth possession is my fathers buddha-jewelry. He passed away about a year ago and nothing taught me about life more than this. Miss you dad.
5. What is your goal for 2010?
To get to know as much as unknown spaces as much. Travel. Meet People. To get around. I've stayed infront of computerscreens for too long now.
6. What super power would you most like to have?
Of course, see Q3, to fly. As fast as possible. How easy it would be to be everywhere.
*Read more Super Punch interviews here.
*Buy Plan 9 From Outer Space posters at eBay.