Last week's pulpiest stories

1. Archaeologists think they're close to uncovering an Aztec emperor's tomb.

2. Chess master's body to be exhumed to settle a dispute over his estate.

3. The Gulf of Mexico was set on fire in order to minimize an ecological disaster.

4. A whistle blower was arrested for stealing classified information possibly showing war crimes, and turning it over to a website that specializes in disclosing such information. The whistle blower was arrested after he told a semi-famous hacker about his exploits, and the hacker passed on the information to the press. Or maybe that's not what happened at all? And maybe the whistleblower is a transsexual?

5. Southwest Airlines employee opened an improperly marked container and found dozens of humans heads.

6. An Italian prosecutor is considering charging seismologists and city officials with manslaughter for not adequately warning the citizens of L'Aquila that a devastating quake would strike on April 6, 2009.

*Previously: Sergeant Dan's pulp cover contest.

*Buy pulp collections at Amazon.