Lego Varia Suit and Zero Suit Samus by Pepa Quin.
Relatedly, here's a roundup of fairly damning reviews of Metroid: Other M.
*Buy Metroid toys at eBay.
Last season, the Patriots had no offensive coordinator, with Belichick covering that post; this season, they also will have no defensive coordinator. It's Belichick, Belichick and more Belichick -- no coordinators. Is this an ego-trip thing -- he wants to prove he can do something no major football coach has even attempted since, say, Leo Meyer? TMQ has been complaining for years that NFL clubs are overstaffed at coach, since it's hard to believe a head coach needs 19 more coaches, which is how many Mike Shanahan has at Washington, including a safeties coach, a tight ends coach and an assistant coach for the special-teams coach. Belichick is veering to the other extreme.3. A new store owner talks about the costs of running a hobby shop.
The Echo Key is a limited run of 500, made of pewter with an antique brass finish. It debuts at the BangPop! con on September 19 in Bangor, Maine and unless they all sell out at the show, will be sold at the Skelton Crew site on September 20.$20 each, I think.