Illustration by Paul Pope. Have I mentioned how great his Adam Strange comic was in Wednesday Comics? My favorite comic purchase of the year and 37% off at Amazon.
Thirty-two great hero-villains of literature lure the reader into the kitchen to sample their signature recipes. Estérelle Payany shares to-die-for recipes inspired by scoundrels from popular literature. Each chapter opens with an excerpt from the original story and quirky illustrations by Jean-François Martin featuring the criminal and his recipe. The Big Bad Wolf roasts three little pigs in their blankets while Snow White’s stepmother concocts bewitching caramel apples. The Queen of Hearts orders Alice to eat treacle tart while Long John Silver stocks the galley with sea biscuits. And although Shakespeare’s infamous Brutus can toss his Caesar salad in a mere ten minutes, Dracula’s paprika hendl is best when simmered from dusk until dawn. It is sure to be a duel to the end between Patrick Bateman’s truffled roast beef and Tom Ripley’s Venetian lemon chicken, but both can be paired nicely with a simple white bean salad from East of Eden’s Cathy Ames. This spirited collection drawing from fairy tales, literary classics, and contemporary favorites is as entertaining as the recipes are scrumptious (and harmless!). And with the winning ingredients in Recipe for Murder—famous literary thrillers and authentic home-style recipes—it would be a crime to pass up this diabolically scrumptious book!$18 at Amazon.