Girl loses both legs, has them replaced with basketball, hopes to compete...

Qian Hongyan was in a car accident when she was three years old, lost both of her legs amputated, moves around on a basketball, and hopes to swim in the 2012 Paralympics in London. Via.

1. Death penalty conviction might be overturned because sequestered jurors and sheriff's deputies assigned to watch them were allegedly having sex. One juror said, "Acts of sex and insubordination were scandalous and unspeakable . . . " Via.

2. Washington Post comments on the havoc being caused by the new US rules about toy testing. Via.

3. Samaritan tries to hand out gift cards in front of Walmart, Walmart orders him to leave. Target invites him to visit their store. Via.

4. There was a coup attempt in Guinea (SW Africa). Via.

*Previously: Walmart hilariously misunderstands custom cake order.

*Buy "Cat Miracles: Inspirational True Stories of Remarkable Felines" at Amazon.