Super Mario as a ghost vinyl toy (link roundup)

Ghost Super Mario toy on sale for $20 at Play-Asia.

And a few more links:

1. Covers to the special Chip Kidd edition of Newsweek.

2. Yesterday, I mentioned the lawyer who wore ratty shoes as a trial strategy. Turns out, a reporter in Florida decided to write about it while the trial was ongoing despite the lawyers' pleas that he wait until after the trial. The reporter rejected their pleas. The jurors read the article and caused a mistrial. Nice work newspaper reporter guy. Via.

3. Giant and very slow-loading picture of the moon. Via.

4. For my local readers, two bank robberies on Ventura (Encino, Woodland Hills) on Friday between noon and one.

*Previously: Lego version of Melies' A Trip to the Moon.

*Buy Nintendo toys at eBay.