2009 Year of Astronomy desktop wallpaper by James White. Available in resolutions ranging from iPod to 1920x1200. Happy New Year everyone.
*Previously: Christmas card by White.
*Buy telescopes at Amazon.
Dina and Dareen wear their hair teased into thick manes and have pierced eyebrows. During an interview at a Starbucks here, they wore black abayas — the flowing gown that is standard attire for women — but the gowns were open, showing their jeans and T-shirts, and their hair and faces were uncovered.Read more here, and visit their MySpace page. Via.
Another great find from the Unholy Maelstrom. This is a medal used by the para-military counter-intelligence agency known as The Invisible Fist. This particular medal is awarded to the most accomplished individual at lockpicking and escape tactics.Along with more jewelry, on sale at Etsy.
Hello people. So my “dorkasaurus” friend Justin has relapsed with Leukemia. The last time round they fought it with chemotherapy. This time he is in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant. None of his family members are a match. This is where all of us come in.I've long been considering donating blood because I don't know my blood type. This is a great excuse.
Please get tested to see if you are a match. To get tested is really simple and only requires a mouth swab or a very quick blood test. There is a $50 fee for processing the marrow sample, but if you donate blood too, then the cost is waived. You can also get a kit mailed to you.
If you get tested I will send you an original drawing. Its a great way to start the new year.
Here is Justin’s email. He can fill you in on the info you need to know.
If you are in the greater LA area, you can go directly to City of Hope to donate blood and get tested at the same time.
If you aren’t in the LA area, here are some links for registering with the National Bone Marrow Registry, the entire registry is a worldwide network and is also linked in with the Red Cross, so there are lots of places to go if you aren’t in the LA area. Here are links to figure out where the closest is for you: