Senate blocks mandatory ID implants in employees
The bill would prevent employers in the state from requiring workers to have the devices.
Nine senators opposed the measure, including Bob Margett (R-Arcadia), who said it is premature to legislate technology that has not yet proved to be a problem. "It sounded like it was a solution looking for a problem," Margett said. "It didn't seem like it was necessary."
But now, to the consternation of some nickname purists, children are being given such offbeat English-language nicknames as Mafia or Seven — as in 7-Eleven, the convenience store.
With help from language experts at the Royal Institute, the official arbiter of the Thai language, Mr. Vira plans to produce by the end of the year a collection of thousands of old-fashioned nicknames, listed by such wholesome categories as colors, animals and fruit and including simple favorites like Yaay (big), Ouan (fat) and Dam (black).
Published in a small booklet, the names will be distributed to the news media and libraries, and posted on the Internet.
His nicknames are El Pulpo ("The Octopus"), and Six-Fingers. He has six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, a condition known as polydactyly. His grandfather also had this trait. Alfonseca regards it with pride, as a kind of family emblem. The extra finger has no influence on his pitching, as it does not touch the ball.
We are volunteers with Senator Barack Obama's “Faith-Action-Change NYC” group and we've created "Obama '08" yarmulkes (Jewish skullcaps, also called kippot).
The yarmulkes are professionally made of ivory white suede, with “Obama ‘08” printed in blue, and the campaign's logo directly above the text.
We are offering the yarmulkes for a suggested donation of $5 each -- plus a flat $5 per order to pay for shipping (the cost of priority mail). This will cover the costs of our custom order. If you order 15 or more yarmulkes (orders of $75 or more), we will provide free shipping.